Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blu-Ray Movies 50% off! (FEATURED)

Amazon is notorious for having some of the best HD Movie sales around. Back when HD DVD was alive, you could find Buy 1 Get 1 (BOGO for short) deals on both formats almost monthly. Needless to say, my Blu-ray collection grew pretty quickly back then.

Now you might find a B2G1 (Three for the Price of Two) sale every other month. As it turns out though, Amazon wanted to be be super nice at the end of May and have a bunch of Blu-ray movies marked down 50%! I listed all the movies that are 50% off in the Finding Deals' Amazon Deals store front.

If you are looking for other good Blu-ray deals, you can check out the rest of their selection which are marked down more then 40% off by going here. They have over 110 Blu-rays on sale right now, so go check it out!A

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